The Home Page

Parts of the About page saved from my former WordPress ® Website

WordPress is a registered trademark ® of WordPress Foundation.

Note: In February 2021 I, Kurt Johmann, had my new non-WordPress website ready to make public, so my web-host, at my instructions, changed the destination of my domain name from being my WordPress website to being my new non-WordPress website, and that action by itself effectively deleted from the public my WordPress website, although it wasn’t truly deleted by my web-host until February 2021 ended, which, if I recall correctly, was the last month I paid for my WordPress website to be hosted by my web-host.

[Begin the copy from that About page:]

A Soliton and its owned Bions (Awareness and Mind)

Hello. My name is Kurt Johmann (my photo is below). If you are an intelligent person, and if you have ever wondered about yourself, whether or not you have a past or future beyond your physical body, and whether or not your awareness (aka consciousness) can exist without your physical body, then you may be interested in my book on this subject, titled A Soliton and its owned Bions (Awareness and Mind), and subtitled These Intelligent Particles are how we Survive Death. I’ve placed this book in the public domain and it’s free at this website [at this point, to avoid links into my no-longer-existing WordPress website, the rest of this paragraph was written January 2021, and later slightly improved early 2022:] in two forms: tciy-12th-ed.html (this is an HTML page), and tciy-12th-ed.pdf (this is a PDF file; more detail about this PDF file is further below in The Printed Book section; also, as I said at my former WordPress website: “On April 7, 2018, I decided to place the printed book’s PDF file, whose filename is tciy-12th-ed.pdf, in the public domain and make it freely available …”).

The description that I wrote for the printed book at Amazon

Physical computers are a recent invention of mankind, and they are so useful and can do so much that they have spread thru humanity like wildfire. The position taken in this book is that the reality we experience is itself a result of computations by an underlying network of computing elements that fill 3D space. Physical matter and our physical world and how it all interacts with itself is a result of computations, but the computing elements themselves are not physical, and neither one’s awareness nor one’s mind is physical, despite one currently occupying a physical body.

Beginning at age 19 and continuing up to age 25, the author had hundreds of out-of-body experiences, and that was his primary motivation for writing this book. His background with computers, which includes a PhD in computer science and having done a lot of programming work, allowed him to infer and describe a computed reality that includes the physical but goes far beyond, including, based on his out-of-body experiences, a detailed description of the two stages of the afterlife: the bion-body stage and the lucid-dream stage. Also, one’s time in the afterlife ends with reincarnation.

Parts of this book include algorithms, data structures, code and procedures, for such things as: message transmission thru 3D space; determining relative locations of particles; multicellular development; a bion seeing and manipulating physical atoms; constructing and holding together a bion-body during a bion-body projection so that it maintains the size and shape of the physical body that it came out of; body feelings sent to the awareness; and gravity. Other parts of the book consider many different subjects, including, for example, the subject of ten emotions and the purpose of each: anger, joy, the laughing feeling, depression, happiness, fear, loneliness, the crying feeling, sadness, and anxiety. (The book’s detailed Subject Index will help you find items of interest.)

The book ends with a brief autobiography of the author, which includes a detailed description of his three most important out-of-body experiences: his two solitonic projections and his one dense bion-body projection. There’s also a description of his kundalini injury.

An added Bonus: Audio Files

Many books are also available as audio books, but much of my book—the algorithm and code parts of my book—are too complicated to be conveyed by simply reading the book’s text out loud. However, algorithms and code are only a part of my book, and in January 2018 I made 9 different recordings, reading from my book, on these 9 subjects:

  1. ten emotions
  2. the gender basis of the three races
  3. reallocations for the lucid-dream afterlife
  4. birds of a feather, flock together
  5. a brief analysis of christianity
  6. solitonic projections
  7. sexual attraction
  8. my one dense bion-body projection
  9. psychic phenomena

More detail, and links to these recordings, are here. Each recording is provided as an mp3 file. Note that mp3 files are the most common audio format and can be played and/or downloaded by any web-browser.

My Photo

At the time I am writing this paragraph in October 2017, I am 61 years old, retired, and living in Florida. Below is a photo of myself (without my glasses that I normally wear), taken when I was 57 years old (my tan is from the Florida sun):

photo of Kurt Johmann, at age 57

This Website

I created this website [note added January 2021: this is referring to my former WordPress website] to host the 12th edition of my book. Earlier editions—editions 1 thru 11—were titled The Computer Inside You. The previous 11th edition had been hosted since 2006 at my old website, but after placing the 12th edition at this website, I removed that 11th edition from that old website.

[Note added February 2021: Regarding domain names, in August 2017 I registered the domain name and used it as the domain name for my former WordPress website, which, beginning on February 1, 2021, when I asked for it to be done, is now the domain name of my non-WordPress replacement website.]

I finished the text of the 12th edition on September 17, 2017, and on that date I placed the entire text of the 12th edition in the public domain, because my goal for this book is to spread enlightenment as to the true nature of both ourselves and the reality we find ourselves in, and I hope this book will outlive me and I’ll be able to come across it in my next incarnation and be enlightened by it. That, at least, is my hope for this book. Also, this is the last edition of this book that I will be doing. I am satisfied with the 12th edition as my final edition.

Shortly after completing the text of the 12th edition, I made it freely available at this website [note added January 2021: once again, this is referring to my former WordPress website].

The Printed Book

After the 12th edition was at this website [note added January 2021: this is referring to my former WordPress website], I started work on turning the 12th edition into a printed book (the last time I created a printed book was for the 2nd edition in 1994). On October 20, 2017 I completed this process. Here were the steps involved:

  1. The desktop-publishing program, QuarkXPress 2017, that I had bought to prepare my book for print, does not accept an HTML file as input, so I used Microsoft Word to convert my single tciy-12th-ed.html file into a Microsoft Word docx file, to get the text of my book into QuarkXPress 2017.

  2. I then spent 10 days learning QuarkXPress 2017 and making hundreds of formatting changes. For example, all my HTML <blockquote> occurrences that I had in tciy-12th-ed.html to indent my text in code parts and elsewhere, were discarded by Microsoft Word when it converted my HTML file to a docx file, so I had to re-indent everything by hand in QuarkXPress 2017. And besides that, there were many other formatting matters to deal with.

  3. Next I spent 14 days, using QuarkXPress 2017, making a detailed Subject Index for the printed book.

  4. Then I used QuarkXPress 2017 to export my book as a PDF file that I then uploaded to Amazon’s CreateSpace, which is the print-on-demand company that I selected to print my book.

  5. I had already used CreateSpace’s Cover Creator to create the cover for my book, and after CreateSpace’s PDF approval process was complete, and I had completed several other tasks at CreateSpace such as setting the book’s price and writing the book’s description that will appear on Amazon’s webpage for the book, the process was complete, with a publication date of October 20, 2017.

[End the copy from that About page.]

[Note added January 2021: If curious, the printed book is here.]